Friday, June 17, 2011

Vitamin Poisoning: It Can Happen to You

You should know that as with everything, getting just the right amount of vitamins and minerals is important. Your body is capable of doing many great things for you, and producing much of what you need to get by in this life. However, there are certain things that your body does not produce, which is part of the reason that we need to eat foods. Some of the energy that is produced by the foods goes towards moving and reproducing cells. However, our bodies also glean much from the food that we eat – vitamins and minerals are just part of what we get.

Vitamins and minerals cannot be made by our bodies, but are very important for our bodies to continue to be running as successfully as they are. This means that if for some reason you aren’t getting the right kinds, or the right amounts, of vitamins and minerals in your diet, you might need to take vitamin or mineral supplements in order to make up for what you are not getting in your food. You should know that taking vitamin and mineral supplements can be very good for you, and can make you much more healthy. However, they can be dangerous, so it is very important that you follow directions and never take more than it is recommended to take of any vitamins or minerals.

One of the most important things is that you remember in the case of vitamins and minerals, there is such a thing as too much of something that is good. If you have too much vitamin D, you can be causing damage to your kidneys. If you have too much vitamin A, you can be causing damage to your liver. If you have too much niacin you can cause heart and liver problems. This is called vitamin poisoning.

One of the most important things to remember is that your body will tell you if you are getting too much of something, long before poisoning and damage will occur. Signs of vitamin poisoning when it comes to vitamin supplements would include nausea and vomiting as well as diarrhea. These will occur before your organs are damaged, and if you pay attention to your body you should be able to stop it right there and then and not create more damage or danger to yourself. Most of the signs of supplement overdose will simply fade away when you have gotten rid of the excess and haven’t overdosed again. Unlike drugs, vitamin overdose and poisoning are not likely to lead to permanent damage, but can if you are not careful.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Overdose Dangers of Vitamin Supplements

There are many people who end up having problems with vitamin and mineral supplements. You might not know it, but there is such a thing as too much of something that is good. Many people believe that if a little bit of something is good for you, then a lot of something is even better. Some people also get themselves into trouble because they end up taking several different vitamin supplements at once, which might end up being detrimental because you are taking too much without even knowing.

Yes, taking too many vitamins can lead to overdose, and this can be bad for you. It is very rare that you are going to find people who overdose on vitamins naturally – most of the time the overdoses will happen because someone has taken too much of a vitamin supplement. The fact remains that supplements of vitamins and minerals are meant to replace what you aren’t getting in your diet. You body does not need a lot of the vitamins and minerals in order to be healthy. In fact, most of the time you only need a small amount. However, some people take much more than they are supposed to for many reasons. Sometimes they don’t understand how much of a vitamin is in a supplement, and more often they don’t understand how much their bodies need.

When someone has had too much of a certain vitamin, there are several things that might happen. The most common side effects of vitamin overdose include vomiting and diarrhea, and well as nausea. The good thing is that these symptoms are easy to see and easy to notice. Some symptoms, that occur with long term vitamin and mineral overdose might include liver damage or damage to other organs, and these are harder to see.

The thing that is good about vitamin overdose is that once you have had the symptoms and you know what you have been doing wrong, it is fairly easy to correct, and begin to do it right. Most of the time, with vitamin or supplement overdose, you will find that the damage simply goes away when you have corrected the problem. For this reason, it is obviously much better to overdose on vitamins than on other types of drugs. If you think you have taken too much of a vitamin or mineral, stop taking the supplement, and consult your doctor to see what you should do next. The most important thing is to make sure that you are getting just what you need, and nothing more.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Niacin’s Importance

There are many different vitamins that a person should take every single day in order to stay healthy, strong, and safe from injury. Niacin is just one of these supplements. Known as one of the B vitamins, Niacin is a water-soluble supplement. That means it cannot be stored in the body like fat-soluble supplements. Since you cannot store niacin in the body, it is crucial to eat foods with niacin each day in order to replenish the vitamins your body needs. If you do not, there could be serious consequences. For those who do not believe they are getting enough niacin with daily diet, vitamin supplements are important to avoid these consequences.

Niacin is important in the body for growth, reproduction, and the immune system. It can help you convert food to energy by assisting in the function of the stomach, intestines, and other parts of the digestive system. It is also important for building and regeneration of nerves and skin. If you do not have enough niacin in your body, these parts of your health will be greatly affected.

How can you make sure you have enough niacin in the body? Simply put, it is important to consume foods rich in niacin. If you look on the label, you should see niacin, niacin acid or B3. This is found in milk, cheese, and other dairy products, as well as meats like poultry, fish, and lean beef and nuts. Eggs can give you a good source of niacin as well, and if you eat enough legumes, like beans, you will be sure to be getting enough niacin in your diet. Other products that may contain niacin include enriched foods like breads and cereals. Be sure to check the label.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends that adults (over the age of 14) get about 14 to 16 milligrams of niacin every day to stay healthy. This number increases if you are pregnant or breastfeeding and decreases if you are younger or have special dietary needs. Again, the best way to get enough niacin in your body is through food sources, but vitamin supplements can help you receive enough of this vitamin if your are worried you may not be getting enough.

When you don’t have enough niacin in your body, you develop a deficiency known as pellagra. Symptoms of this deficiency include flushed skin and rashes, digestive disorders, and mental impairment. However, large doses of niacin can be unhealthy as well, causing peptic ulcers and skin discomfort. Therefore, this is definitely a vitamin supplement that you should only take under complete medical supervision.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Are Multivitamins for You?

A multivitamin is a supplement that you can take that has many different types of vitamins and minerals in it. It is important because if you don’t have time to be taking all of the separate vitamins, you might not be getting all that you need. If you are able to take a good multivitamin, you will find that you are getting the recommended daily allowance and that you are healthier.

Multivitamins are also important because they might help you avoid getting too much of certain vitamins or minerals. They are made with certain doses in mind, and they are made to create a situation in which you are getting just enough of a certain vitamin or mineral. If you simply take the one a day multivitamin as it is instructed, you are going to find that it is impossible for you to get too much and therefore that fear is avoided.

There are several different types of multivitamins that are made for different groups of people. The reason that we need to take vitamins and minerals is that our bodies are not capable of producing all of the vitamins and minerals that we need, and these usually are supplemented from food. However, there are many situations today where people don’t’ get the right kind of balanced diets that they need, and they are going to end up with vitamin deficiencies. Therefore, taking a multivitamin is going to allow you to get all of the vitamins that you need.

You might be a part of several different groups that need multivitamins. These usually include groups that are at a high risk for not getting the kind of nutritional support that is needed, such as the elderly, those prone to sickness, or those with allergies that prevent them from eating certain foods. If you are pregnant or nursing, you are also going to find that you might need some multivitamins to make sure that you are getting all of the healthy aspects that you can for your child.

Remember that like with anything, certain multivitamins are made to handle certain things and they have different kinds of vitamins included in them. It is very important that you follow the directions on the multivitamins and that you are taking them exactly as instructed, because even though vitamins are good for you, too much of a good thing can actually be a bad thing.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Vitamins for Your Mental Health

Vitamins help you body in a number of different ways. However many people do not realize that vitamins are also crucial for helping the health of your mind. Depression is one of the many mental illnesses that can really help to ruin a person’s life if left untreated. If you are hoping to deal with your depression in a way that is healthy to your body but does not include the use of drugs, you might want to gain a better understand of just how vitamins can work for your depression. Vitamin supplements can help you fight your depression.

First and foremost, study the B vitamins. B-complex vitamins are essential to your well-being, including your mental and emotional health. They are water-soluble, which means that they cannot be stored in the body over time to be used at a later date, and so you must eat foods rich in B vitamins every day or take vitamin supplements. B-vitamins that could cause or add to your depression include thiamin, which provides energy to your brain, and pantothenic acid, which is crucial in the formation of certain hormones that suppress depression. Most other B vitamins affect your mental and emotional state as well, and because they are broken down in the body by alcohol and sugar, many people find it a struggle to eat enough food rich in the B vitamins. You should talk to your doctor about vitamin supplements in these areas in order to treat your depression.

Vitamin C is also extremely important in the fight against depression. Normal levels are usually easy to achieve in the body, but you might find that you need a boost from vitamin supplements if you have recently have surgery or an inflammatory illness. Lack of vitamin C is common if you are stressed or pregnant, so be particularly mindful of your depression during these times of life.

A variety of minerals, like magnesium, calcium, and zinc can also help you to fight your depression. The bottom line is that it is important for you to talk to a doctor if you believe that you are depressed. Vitamin supplements and medical care can help you to fight depression in many cases. You doctor will be able to recommend brands that are of high quality and instruct you on how to take the vitamin supplements so that your body can get all of the nutrients it needs to stay happy and healthy, both physically and mentally.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Keeping Vitamin E in the Body: Is it Important?

Your body relies on you to eat the right foods, making it possible to stay healthy. If you do not think you are getting enough of a certain kind of nutrient, you should consider supplements to help you achieve those normal levels. Vitamins are one part of your diet that you should be careful not to overlook. Among the thirteen vitamins needs in your body, vitamin E is one of them, and you should be aware of what it does in your body. Simply put, understand our own health is important because if you do not understand it we cannot make sure we are staying healthy.

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin, along with a few other vitamins, including vitamin K. Because it is fat-soluble, it does not exit the body completely and in high levels, but instead can be stored for later use and made in the body as well. This is very important, because it means that we do not have to eat foods rich in vitamin E every single day. However, it is still important to get enough vitamin E, whether it be through foods or vitamin supplements.

The main function of vitamin E is to be an antioxidant. Antioxidants are simple guardians of the body. They help your tissue sustain damage cause by free radicals, which are unstable substances in the body. Tissues make up our organs, so antioxidants are very important to keep all parts of out body health. They are also thought to help slow the degenerative aging process. Another important function of vitamin E specifically is its role helping the body use vitamin K, which helps your blood clot.

Most people get enough vitamin E when eating a healthy diet. Foods especially rich in vitamin E include wheat germ, corn, asparagus, vegetable oils, olives, margarine, nuts, and leafy green vegetables, like spinach. Look on the label. Foods rich in vitamin E will have its presence listed under ingredients or on the nutritional value part of the label. Vitamin E may also be called tocopherol.

Vitamin E deficiency is usually not a problem, nor is overdose. However, it is important to be careful is you are taking multivitamin supplements that include vitamin E. Reports of taking large amounts are mild, but can give you headaches. It is best to talk to your doctor is your believe that you are not getting enough vitamin E.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

OK, Vitamin K!

Vitamin K is an extremely important vitamin in the body. It mainly plays a role in blood clotting, so without enough vitamin K, you could have problems if you are injured. If you are suffering for vitamin K deficiency, your blood simple will not clot. Some scientists and researchers also think that vitamin K is important for maintaining your bone health, especially as you age. Therefore, if you are not getting enough vitamin K in your body from food sources, which is the best way to achieve normal vitamin K levels, you should talk to your doctor about the vitamin K supplements that are available for your use.

There are thirteen different vitamins that your body needs to survive. Of these thirteen, four are fat-soluble and the rest are water-soluble. If the vitamin is water-soluble, it dissolves quickly and exits the body. Therefore, water-soluble vitamins must be consumed daily in order to keep your levels normal. However, if a vitamin is fat-soluble, it does not exit the body but is instead stored in your fat to be used at a later time. Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin, so it is not crucial for you to eat it every day. However, it is important for you to keep a careful eye on your levels of vitamin K in the body in order to make sure that you are not becoming vitamin K deficient. If this occurs, vitamin supplement may be necessary.

Vitamin K is found in a variety of foods. It is also produced in the body by the bacteria found in the lining of your gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, your body helps regulate its own vitamin K levels. As for foods that contain vitamin K, you will more than likely eat enough if your simple eat a healthy, balanced diet. Some foods that are especially high in vitamin K include vegetables like cabbage, spinach and other leafy greens, soybeans, and cauliflower.

If you do not get enough vitamin K in your diet, it is important to talk to your doctor about taking supplements. If you o not, you will start to see that you are prone to bruising and bleeding. Extreme vitamin K deficiency is very rare, but when it does occur it is usually due to a body’s problem in the intestinal tract. Instead of absorbing vitamin K like normal, the body simply does not. In this case, vitamin supplement are necessary. However, because this is a fat-soluble vitamin, you should take vitamin supplements for vitamin K under medical supervision.